
Webtoon Reader

Full stack mobile application to read comics.

  • Typescript
  • React Native
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB

Search Jam

Hackathon project, full stack web application with an AI inferring the emotions conveyed by a song's lyrics.

  • Javascript
  • React
  • Python


Machine learning project, solving sudokus with Deep Learning.

  • Python
  • TensorFlow
  • Keras


Reverse engineering project, making a discord account behave like a bot (collaboration).

  • Node.js
  • Javascript
  • Docker


Voice Assistant for Ubuntu utilizing an offline API.

  • Python
  • Bash


About Me

I'm a sophomore at McGill University majoring in Computer Science (Honours) with a CGPA of 3,98.
I love developing all kinds of applications that help the community, solve my day-to-day problems, or that are just really cool!

My Resume